Everyone plans a vacation expecting a wonderful, relaxing time. But that’s not always what happens. Some people truly have the worst luck when it comes to vacation memories. Instead of happy memories full of good times, some people have uniquely dreadful experiences. So, grab a drink and picture yourself at a beach somewhere because these nightmare vacation stories are bound to set your stress levels through the roof.
#1: Birthday Food Poisoning
Picture it. Oaxaca, Mexico, 2022. Sounds like a great vacation, right? Not for this couple! Their getaway was off to a great start until they got horrific food poisoning. They have no idea what they ate or drank to cause such awful food poisoning, but it was not pretty. The worst part? They had to travel to Mexico City while suffering from said food poisoning.

If you’ve ever had to travel while feeling sick, you know how torturous and awful it can be. This poor couple didn’t want to miss their hotel reservation, so they put on a brave face and made the trek to Mexico City. They spent the rest of their vacation sick to their stomachs and completely reliant on the hotel staff, who went above and beyond the call of duty. Oh, and did we mention that this all happened during our storyteller’s birthday?